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Donna Zils Banfield

The gouge comes off the grinding wheel, bevel gleaming in the fluorescent lights overhead. The last of the sparks that came off the high-speed steel complete their trip under the wheel. I turn around to face my latest project, a 20” chunk of Ambrosia streaked silver maple. The log was in a grapple load of firewood delivered earlier that year. “Mine”, I said, immediately claiming it.

Already rounded and balanced; ‘clink’ as the gouge makes contact with the steel tool rest. I lift the tool handle and the razor edge contacts the wood. the melodic rhythm I hear as the freshly sharpened gouge cuts into the green wood. Six, eight, twelve foot and longer streamers fly though the air, and a wet spray flecks my faceshield.

This is my passion, my addiction, the vortex into which I’ve blissfully fallen. My barn…my studio…my sanctuary.

Care to join me????

Click here to visit Donna's website

Sample work from the artist...

Translucent Oak Trumpet Vase

Building Donna's barn/studio/sanctuary...