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Derrick Te Paske

As a college media professor at Framingham State College, I am usually involved with theoretical issues and digital production methods. As a purposeful alternative, I also do woodturning, a distinctly low-tech process with very physical products. I am primarily interested in hollow forms, often with woodburned, treated, or textured surfaces. My work is represented at several New England galleries; a woodburned piece is illustrated in the book "500 Wood Bowls"; and I am an Artist Member of the Medici Society (School of the MFA, Boston).
Contact Derrick at 617-861-7728, or by email at

Sample work from the artist...

Click here to view Recent Work 2009-2010 Slide Show New!
(Note: Slide show may not be viewable on some browers/systems.)

Tall Hollow Form
black cherry, woodburned,
20" high

Dark Burl Hollow Form
black cherry,
with applied acrylic polymer and cherry burl rim,
14" diameter

Hollow Form
Yew root with ebony rim,
9" high