Tape #34

Mike Darlow: #5

Run Time: approx. 2 hours 50 minutes

This tape is very extensive and very long as well. Close to 3 hours. It starts with a section on the design of a bowl. Mike talks about 5 guidelines he uses to design a bowl. He also talks about different base or foot designs. There is a lot of verbal instruction through-out the tape. He talks about the different types of wood and different kinds of figure in wood. He talks about seasoning and the problems of cracking and warping during seasoning. Then he goes on to talk about chucking equipment, and different chucking procedures. During all this there is lots of instruction while demonstrating the things he talks about. Mike turns a bowl start to finish and is very detailed on different cuts and how to make them, showing you how as he goes. He includes finishing, and reversing the bowl to finish the bottom.
The is a lengthy tape but well worth a look. Set aside a few hours and a big bag of popcorn for this one. There is a lot of good info to take in.